Friends of Bob Mendes - Nashville

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Mayor’s race

I have decided to not run for Mayor in 2023. Sue and I believe that joining the race is not the best way for our family to serve Nashville at this time.

Nashville is vibrant and has the tools it needs to succeed. We know we have big city challenges, from income disparities driving an affordable housing problem, to national and state political extremism, to centuries of racism. We also know the best solutions are local. We control whether Nashville puts people first. We control whether the quality of every neighborhood and every school matters. We control whether these are the every day goals that drive Nashville forward. They can’t just be talking points from a poll during an election.

As the race for Mayor goes forward, I’ll listen and learn about the candidates. I hope you’ll join me in letting them know what’s important to us and our families.

Though I won’t run for Mayor in 2023, I’ll continue to work for a better Nashville for everyone after I leave the Metro Council later this year. I want to thank the many people who have encouraged me to consider running for Mayor. I’m humbled by your support and kind words. You are the soul of our city. Please keep speaking up and out for a better Nashville.